Inspired by the beloved children's cartoon, Paw Patrol, I had a blast designing a fun and interactive invitation for this special event. The dual-sided pop-up style invitation brought Skye to life, with her adorable figure popping out to greet the recipients. To add an extra touch of sparkle, I layered the invitation with a glittered cardstock for a dazzling effect. Inside, I hand-painted glitter embellishments to enhance Sofia's name, adding a personal and magical touch.
To complete the invitation suite, I created a custom address label wrap that perfectly matched the overall theme. It tied everything together beautifully, making the invitations truly stand out.
For the party itself, I designed a charming menu and signage that captured the spirit of Paw Patrol. These elements not only added to the festive atmosphere but also helped guide guests and enhance their experience.
Planning: {SHE} Shayla Hawkins Events
Photographer: Studio Hayes Photography
Linens: Mosaic
Stationery: Happy Go Lucky formerly Bellamy + Belou
Venue: Urban Air Trampoline Park
Desserts: Bella Christie's
Balloons: Miss Elaineous